Why Coaching?
Overall, divorce rates in the United States have stabilized at around 37%. However, according to various studies (including those based on U.S. Census data), high-stress jobs have shown to be strongly correlated with higher divorce rates. Entrepreneurs and small business owners are among those groups that typically struggle, with many studies showing their divorce rate near 50%.
Leadership is hard no matter what level of influence we have; often, our spouses and families pay the highest price for our influence. There is NO greater leadership role than the one we play at home.
Healthy Marriage Coaching
While all of our coaching is customized with insights from nearly 30 years of marriage and ministry, we base our conversations on results from the SYMBIS Assessment; a 15-page Report, packed with practical and personalized insights
In addition to the SYMBIS profile, weā€™ll lean into insights from your individual Enneagram Profiles.
The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. There are nine Enneagram Personality Types, each with their own key motivations and fears that largely guide their actions and decisions. Understanding your primary type AND your partnerā€™s can be a powerful tool for your personal growth and the health of your marriage.

Marriage mindsets, expectations, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health, caution flags to be aware of.
Weā€™ll look at who each of you are as individuals and who you are together.

Communication styles, working through adversity, conflict management, and how to have a healthy fight.
Weā€™ll talk about how to listen and talk
when it matters most.

Life Together
Everyone has baggage; every relationship has challenges, especially when it comes to money, sex, family, and spirituality.
Weā€™ll explore navigating seasons and growing (older) together.